Saturday, March 24, 2007

7 stories?

L peaking his head out the window, looks out, very, slowly to the left, turning his head so slowly before seeing MAN. He does not act surprised, and simply says
L Hello there!
M I beg your pardon?
L I’m sorry?
M What?
L I said, “I’m sorry?”
M Oh.
L Well?
M Well what?
L Well, that’s just rude (turning his head.)
M Oh. I’m sorry? (as in, am I sorry?)
L That’s what I said, what did YOU say?
M I beg your pardon?
L Yes, yes exactly.
M Um, well-
L Well, what are you doing up here?
M I’m just-
L You’re not JUST doing something. You’re standing on a ledge 7 stories above the ground. I don’t think it would be appropriate to say “Just..” in any statement when paired with your certain situation. Well, perhaps “I’m just about as happy to be here as that time when I was forced to eat insects of all varieties in a small tribe on the fringe of a jungle which I can hardly pronounce.” But that is the only, and I mean only time that you could use “Just..” in such a way when paired with your certain situation.
M I’m just.. I mean. I’m trying to mind my own business.
L Well, you’re obviously not trying hard enough. Why are you up here?
M Why do you care?
L I’m a psychiatrist, I have to care, it’s part of the job description.
M What kind of job description would-
L And I’m not charging you a dime.
M Oh, is that so?
L Yep. And this is a completely free session.
M Yeah..
L You won’t have to pay a thing.
M That’s nice.
L What do you mean, it’s nice.
M I mean exactly that. It’s nice.
L Well, what do you mean by nice.
M You know, it’s-
L It’s not mean?
M No, that’s hardly what I mean. What I mean, is that, I don’t mean that it’s the opposite of mean. But, ugh. Well, I mean, that, it’s not the-
L I’m not mean, if that’s what you’re suggesting. I’m really nice, actually. If you get to know me.
M I just said that!
L You said it was nice, not me.
M It’s the same-
L Nooo.
M Fine.
L Now tell me, why are you up here?
M Well, do you want to come out here?
L No.
M Why not? Are you afraid?
L Ha. No.
M Why not?
L I can’t.
M Sure you can.
L No, I actually can’t.
M What do you mean?
L It’s impossible.
M Don’t have legs?
L Nope.
M Sure you do.
L Do you see them?
M Well, no.
L Then that’s that.
M What do you mean, that’s that?
L If you don’t see them, they aren’t there.
M Well that’s just silly.
L sincerely You don’t want to jump. You just want change. Because you’re sick and tired of everything and nothing.
M I just (LEONARD gives him a look) I mean. You’re right.
L And you can have change. All you have to do is reach into your pocket and get it.
LEONARD disappears into the window. MAN reaches into pocket curiously, pulling out a handful of change.
M My lover. He drops a coin over the ledge. My job. Again. My family. He drops four. Me. He drops the last. MAN stands there in awe, without thought. He is lost, and knows of nothing. LEONARD appears.
L Well, hello there.
M looking plainly, without emotion Hello.
L Take a handful.
LEONARD brings out a jar of coins. Without thinking, MAN reaches in. He takes out a handful of change, putting it into his pocket. LEONARD disappears.
M counting them in hand 123, 4, 5, 6, 7 stories. Change. In the palm of my hand.
MAN pockets the change.

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